The practice area is bounded by the following roads commencing in the north at the junction of Ley Street with Eastern Avenue, along Eastern Avenue, Barley Lane, Goodmayes Road, Green Lane, Griggs Approach and Ley Street. The Doctor's House is situated approximately in the centre of this area.
Patients who live within the above area will be registered by the practice on request provided that they have not been previously removed from our list at our request. We may also agree to accept or retain patients who live in, or move to, other parts of Redbridge on our lists but may be unable to do so to maintain an efficient service to those who live in the defined area.
There is very restricted parking in this area. Please do not block driveways or reserved spaces. Parking meters are located near the Station on the other side of Cameron Road.
Please park with consideration for the residents and disabled parking is not allowed in the marked doctors bays.